Credits (See the Legaleze section for HTML.edit copyright and distribution information.) References to the HTML 2.0 and 3.0 drafts were made frequently within design of this product and also appear in its documentation. The HTML 2.0 draft is authored by Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly; the 3.0 and HTML tables drafts by Dave Raggett. My thanks to Dan and Dave for the many times both have graciously assisted me in understanding various issues. The HTML document A Beginner's Guide to HTML is used with permission of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois (see Legaleze). This product contains numerous enhancements for which I'd like to thank all the freeware/shareware XCMD and XFCN authors below. HTML.edit would be a much lesser product were it not for their labors. • Jon Pugh for use of his HPopUpMenu XFCN. HPopUpMenu XFCN v3.3.2 ©1989-1995 by Jon Pugh. • Jay Hodgdon for use of his ShowDialog XCMD. ShowDialog XCMD v1.6 ©1988, 1989 by Jay Hodgdon. • Kevin Calhoun for use of his ModalDialog XFCN. ModalDialog XCMD v1.2 ©1989 by the Trustees of Dartmouth College. • Michael Bradshaw for use of his Progression XCMD. Progression XCMD v1.0 ©1995 by Michael Bradshaw. • Larry Wolfarth for his ChangeFileType XFCN. • Frédéric Rinaldi for use of his XCMDs: ChooseColor XFCN v1.1 ©1991 by Frédéric Rinaldi. FullDrag XFCN v1.3 ©1989-93 by Frédéric Rinaldi. FullReplace XFCN v1.1 ©1991,1992 by Frédéric Rinaldi. FullSFPack XFCN v1.7 ©1991,1992 by Frédéric Rinaldi. GetMode XFCN v1.4 ©1989-93 by Frédéric Rinaldi. Textoid XCMD v3.9 ©1990-92 by Frédéric Rinaldi. • Much appreciation to Alex Metcalf for use of his Inflate XCMD (for Balloon Help) and the extra attention he has given this project. Inflate XCMD ©1994 by Alex Metcalf. • Thanks to Jeff Winkler for his slick GrowBox XFCN. GrowBox XFCN ©1991 by Jeff Winkler. • Thanks to Dr. Nigel Perry, Dept. of Computer Science, Massey University, New Zealand, for use of his FileSysInfo and ScrollBar XFCNs. FileSysInfo XFCN v1.0ea ©1993 by Nigel Perry. ScrollBar XFCN v2.0.1 ©1993 by Nigel Perry. The HTML.edit Beta Test Team Christer Aasen - Norwegian Computing Center Steve Brewer - Western Michigan University James Chi - NASA Headquarters Mark Clear - Wingra Technologies William DeKroney - US Coast Guard Fred B. Dimond - Magic Online Services, Toronto Stephen Dimond, Vancouver, British Columbia Tom van Geffen - Oce-Nederland B.V., The Netherlands Adam Goodman Patrick Hager - The Wisconsin Fly Fishing Page Timothy Hinds Earl Hood Dr. Milton Huang - University of Michigan Medical Center Jan Erik Moström - University of Lulee, Sweden Robert Orenstein - Anamorph, Venice, California Laurent Pointal - National Scientific Research Center, Les Ulis, France Fred Reitberger, St.Petersburg, Florida Dan Shafer - Graphic User Interfaces, Inc. Jeff Shepherd - SAIC, San Diego, California Bill Stewart - ObjectTime Limited, Kanata, Ontario Dennis Stovall - Blue Heron Publishing, Hillsboro, Oregon Enrique Vega - The ArtMetal Project, North Carolina Todd Woodward - HealthDesk Corp., Berkeley, California Kris Williams Many thanks to Ben and Jerry's, David Sylvian, Les Claypool and Primus for providing the manic energy that kept me up into the wee hours. Calories spent? I have no idea*. I haven't gained any weight, if that's any indication. My thanks to all who provided constructive comments. Many people have provided email comments and suggestions, to which I am very grateful. I apologize if you aren't on the list; my bookkeeping hasn't always been great. Please let me know of any oversights. *Chunky Monkey is 1120 calories, 76 gm. fat per pint, for those with similar development habits. Back to Known Bugs, on to Legaleze, or return to Contents.